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    手機掃一掃 立刻聯系商家
    發布時間: 2021-03-19 17:37 更新時間: 2025-01-07 07:03






    About the auction

     The so-called auction refers to the way of selling and selling specific articles or property to the high bidder in the form of open bidding. In the relevant regulations of the High Court on the evaluation, auction and sale in execution ," If there is a high bid in the auction, the preferential purchaser may express acceptance at that high price, and if there is no high bid, the lot belongs to the preferred purchaser, and if there is a higher bid, the preferred purchaser does not express it ." The auction itself is an open bidding process for the high bidder. When the house in the lease state is auctioned, the principle of the high price will conflict with the principle that the lessee has the preemptive right under the same conditions, which also leads to a paradox: the auction contract is a kind of sale contract. Is a mallet as the sign of the contract. If the lessee does not give up the preemptive right and does not participate in the auction, when there is a high price, the lessee indicates that the current high price is also acceptable. If there is no higher bid, the lot is the priority buyer. At this time, the basic criterion of the principle of high price is destroyed, which undoubtedly affects the fairness of auction procedure. If there is a higher bid at this time, the lot is the priority buyer, which seems to damage the rights and interests of the priority buyer. What are the same conditions for the preemptive right to enjoy the preemptive right under the same conditions? What if, in practice, both the auction is carried out normally and the lessee's preemptive right is protected?


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