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    發布時間: 2021-03-19 17:38 更新時間: 2025-01-07 07:03







     法院拍賣程序中,理論和實踐中對于優先購買權 的保護有兩種方法:一是“跟價法”,二是“詢價法”。



    “跟價法”是指由法院通知優先購買權人直接參與競買,優先購買權人和競買人一起競價,實行價高者得。這種做法將優先購買權人視同一般的競買人。因此,優先購買權人要行使和實現其優先購買權,必須同其他競買人一樣,按照拍賣公告的 要求,進行競買登記,交納拍賣保證金,競買。





    Realization of Preemption Right in Auction

     How to make the auction normal and protect the lessee's preemptive right? Article 18(Protection of Preemption Rights) of the Provisions on Certain Questions of Evaluation, Auction and Sale in Execution stipulates :" In the course of an auction, when there is a high bid, the pre-buyer may express acceptance at that high price, or, if there is no higher bid, the pre-buyer; if there is a higher bid, the pre-buyer does not express it. If a number of priority purchasers agree at the same time, the buyer shall be decided by lot ."

     In the court auction procedure, there are two ways to protect the preemptive right in theory and practice: one is the "following price method ", the other is the" inquiry method ".

     The "price-following law" means that the priority buyer is directly involved in the bidding by the notice of the court. This approach treats the preferred buyer as the average bidder. Therefore, in order to exercise and realize its preemptive right, the preemptive buyer must, like other bidders, register the auction, pay the auction deposit and bid in accordance with the requirements of the auction announcement.

     "Inquiry law" means that the court notifies the priority buyer to the auction site, but does not directly participate in the bidding, after the bidding produces a high price, the auctioneer asks the priority buyer whether he is willing to buy. If it is unwilling to buy, the auction target is purchased by the high price. If they are willing to buy, the auctioneer asks if the high bidder is willing to increase the price again. If they are unwilling to increase the price, the auctioneers buy the auctioneers, and if they are willing, they ask the preferential buyers after the increase. So repeated, until one of them quit, the auction did not deal.


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