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    發布時間: 2021-03-19 17:39 更新時間: 2025-01-07 07:03

    l 研究所的活動范圍:研究和實驗開發;自然科學和實驗發展研究;技術開發,技術推廣,技術服務,技術咨詢,技術轉讓;設計,制作,代理,廣告,市場調研,組織文化藝術交流活動(不包括商業行為);會議服務;住房展覽;經濟和商業咨詢;公共關系服務;產品設計;企業管理咨詢;銷售自主研發的產品。 (公司將依法獨立選擇經營項目,開展商業活動,經法律批準的項目,須經有關部門批準開展商業活動;禁止和限制城市產業政策的項目的商業活動。)


    l 個人獨資企業:(即一個人),提供一個法人即可,提供公司名稱,簡歷,地址(不能簽發)的副本

    l 集體所有制企業:有幾個法人和股東及其地位。如果注冊資本已經寫入,將全額支付,并將實時發布報告。自然人股東的出資總額不得低于,高股東不得超過50%

    l 有限合伙制研究所:要求人,重要的是,名稱是:北京表格XXX研究所(有限公司)。


    Scope of activities of the Institute: research and experimental development; natural science and experimental development research; technology development, technology promotion, technical services, technical advice, technology transfer; design, production, agency, advertising, market research, Organization of cultural and artistic exchange activities (excluding business practices); conference services; housing exhibitions; economic and commercial consulting; public relations services; product design; business management consulting; sales of independently developed products. The company shall independently select business projects and carry out commercial activities according to law. Projects approved by law shall be subject to the approval of the relevant departments to carry out commercial activities; the commercial activities of projects that prohibit and restrict urban industrial policies shall be prohibited. )

     Sole proprietorship :(that is, one person), provide a legal person, provide a copy of the company name, resume, address (can not be issued) copy

     Collective ownership enterprises: there are several legal persons and shareholders and their status. If the registered capital has been written, it will be paid in full and the report will be published in real time. The total capital contribution of the natural person shareholder shall not be lower than 50% of the high shareholder

     Institute of Limited Partnership: requester, importantly, name: Beijing Institute of tabular XXX (Co., Ltd).


    • 電  話:17710294288
    • 經理:侯碧月
    • 手  機:17710294288
    • 微  信:17710294288