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    發布時間: 2021-03-19 17:39 更新時間: 2025-01-07 07:03

    l 為什么說在注冊研究院會比較好?

    l 是我國的重要研究機構的入駐地,也有著大量的從事各行業的研究與開發人才。在的研究機構所研發出來的項目與技術,有著無與倫比的建設性。所以在注冊為研究院(研究中心,研究所)是研發部門及文化機構不錯的選擇。


    l 注冊研究院的相關流程:

    l 名稱如:研究院/研究所/研究中心

    l 需要的資料:

    l 1.全體股東出資人;

    l 2.注冊,需要復印件,租房合同(可提供注冊);

    l 3.法人明,相關明,照片;

    l 4.相關科研成果及可行性報告(可以報告);

    l 5.注冊資金及出資比例(個人獨資不需要注冊資金)時間22個工作日。


    Why is it better to be in a registered institute?

     Is our country's important research institutions, but also a large number of research and development personnel engaged in various industries. The projects and technologies developed by the research institutions are unparalleled and constructive. So registered as a research institute (research center, research institute) is a good choice for R & D departments and cultural institutions.

     Relevant processes of the Institute of Registration:

     Name: Research Institute/Research Centre

     Information required:

     1. all shareholder investors;

     2. registration, need a copy, rental contract (can provide registration);

     3. legal person Ming, related Ming, photo;

     4. related research achievements and feasibility reports (may be reported);

     5. registered funds and capital contribution ratio (sole proprietorship does not need registered funds) time 22 working days.


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