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    手機掃一掃 立刻聯系商家
    發布時間: 2022-03-21 07:51 更新時間: 2025-01-11 07:03
    無地域核名不帶地域核名流程--侯碧月為您解答 全國注冊---拍賣公司注冊

    ? 企業核名-無領域名稱核準
    ? 企業核名-無地區名稱核準

    ? The benefits of no administrative division name approval:
    ? Crown no administrative area division company name has strict requirements, at the same time will suffer stronger national law maintenance + company crown no administrative area division name shows in the administrative departments across the country the company name uniqueness, the same name around the country, for the steady development, market development, improve company reputation and intangible assets amortization has key effect +, especially listed enterprise name, no administrative area division company name can se a lot of publicity, the enterprise brand has great promotion effect +.

    ? State Administration of Industry and Commerce enterprise nuclear name:
    ? That is, in the administrative work quality supervision bureau to carry out the company nuclear name put on record, the name can be no administrative area division
    ? (The font size of difficult problems is generally the beginning of Chinese characters + For example: China console, SDIC, search, Zhongrong, Zhongrong, SDIC, Guorong, state control, capital, etc. +)
    ? Immediately by the enterprise name + field + organization structure
    ? 2. Necessary conditions for the application: the registered capital of the company shall not be less than 50 million yuan
    ? 3. If you meet this standard, the registration of a new company can apply for the name of the National Bureau!
    ? 4. Service project is special, convenient, fast and real price
    ? 5. The name of the enterprise / / the Examination and Approval Bureau,
    ? 6. Under the circumstances of the urgent approval of the key business process of the business license includes:
    ? 7. In case of urgent situation / / the name of the State Bureau, the national name, the name of the Chinese enterprise, the name of difficult problems, issued on the same day!
    ? 8. Nuclear name of common problems enterprises. Just what you want to follow,...

    核名需要的材料: 1.公司名稱 2.注冊資金(5000萬以上) 3.主營業務 4.股東信息及分配比例(法人股:公司名字) 5.后期注冊地址 辦理核名需要的材料比較復雜,要嚴格按要求一步步進行 如果沒有充足的經驗,辦理起來是非常麻煩的 找代辦的話省事省心,整個流程下來一般15天左右 如果著急的話也可以辦理加急,時間是3個工作日左右,費用也合理@,


    ? 怎樣的公司可以申請辦理無地區、無行政區域劃分的公司
    ? 1、無行政區劃的公司必須5000萬以上的注冊資金+
    ? 如XX貿易有限公司+
    ? 2、沒有行政區劃,沒有領域的企業,例如小紅有限責任公司,注冊資本要過億+
    ? 業務范圍必須超越社會經濟五大產業鏈
    ? 3、純外資企業或外資控股企業+
    ? 注冊資金跟上面一樣二點+假如必須再加上引號得話,字體大小一定要和外資企業的中文諧音一致!需要的原材料更為繁雜
    無地域核名不帶地域核名流程--侯碧月為您解答 ---各種研究院全國注冊---拍賣公司注冊


    • 電  話:17710294288
    • 經理:侯碧月
    • 手  機:17710294288
    • 微  信:17710294288