文物鑒定公司目前設立要求 文物鑒定公司新注冊政策
文物鑒定公司申請辦理流程 文物鑒定公司新審批條件
1. 公司名稱行業描述選擇“文物鑒定”需要解決名稱核名審批問題
2. 經營范圍行業描述選擇“組成文物鑒定活動”需要解決經營范圍審批問題
I. Problems to be solved in the registered Cultural relic appraisal company in Beijing: 1. Company name Industry Description Choosing "cultural relic identification" needs to solve the problem of name verification and name approval 2. Business scope Industry Description The selection of "constituent cultural relic appraisal activities" needs to solve the problem of business scope approval At present, the cultural relic appraisal company is registered in Beijing, and the main difficulty is the two issues of appeal. The approval of industry description related to "cultural relic appraisal" has been limited both in the company name and business scope, and the description of collection appraisal and art appraisal is not restricted at present.
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- 電 話:17710294288
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