我們經營一家文物鑒定公司,在經營宣傳過程中,公司名稱是客戶對企業的印象,但是由于目前文物鑒定公司在經營規范管理中有缺失,所以Approval of the business scope of the cultural relic Appraisal Company: Original industrial and commercial registration policy, Non-approved business scope, Obtain the corresponding business scope to carry out business operation, The previous business scope of "organizing cultural relic appraisal activities" was a non-approval and license filing business, As the business scope of "cultural relic appraisal" is under rectification, It has not been determined whether it will be approved projects, Therefore, when the business scope specification description and adjustment, Cancelled the business scope of "organizing cultural relics appraisal activities", There is also no license filing policy, So the business scope license of "organizing cultural relic appraisal activities" has been out of print, Newly registered companies can only choose the business scope of art appraisal and collection appraisal. Solution for the establishment of a cultural relic appraisal company:在行業描述規范中已將“文物鑒定”描述取消,目前只能用藝術品鑒定、收藏品鑒定相關描述替代。
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