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    手機掃一掃 立刻聯系商家
    發布時間: 2022-07-25 10:47 更新時間: 2025-01-01 07:03

    舞臺搭建涉及到舞臺設計、燈光、音響、音視頻、舞臺機械等工程,這些都需要辦理資質,有了資質我們也能更好的接舞臺搭建工程,競標也會需要到這些資質! 舞臺搭建需要辦理的資質如下: 1、舞臺設計制作工程 2、舞臺燈光設計、安裝及調試 3、舞臺音視頻設計、安裝及調試 4、舞臺音響設計、安裝及調試 5、舞臺機械(幕布)設計、安裝及調試 審批部門:中國舞臺美術協會 時間周期:4個月左右 需要材料:執照副本復印件 法人身份證復印件 公司業績合同 公司人員情況 舞臺燈光設計施工需要什么資質: 因為燈光有的牽扯到舞臺機械 舞臺機械也有資質。 一級資質。 二級資質。 燈光音響也是分二級資質。 一級資質。 這個主要在招投標上用到的多。 做企業服務我們是認真的,辦理舞臺搭建資質我們是的!

    Stage construction involves stage design, lighting, sound, audio and video, stage machinery and other projects, all these need to be qualified, with the qualification, we can also better connect with the stage construction project, bidding will also need to get these qualifications! Stage building needs to be as follows: 1, professional stage design and production engineering 2, professional stage lighting design, installation and debugging 3, professional stage audio and video design, installation and debugging 4, professional stage sound design, installation and debugging 5, professional stage machinery (curtain) design, installation and commissioning department: China stage art association time period: 4 months need materials: license copy of legal person id copy company performance contract personnel stage lighting design and construction need what qualifications: because lighting some involve stage machinery Stage machinery is also qualified. Level 1 qualification. Level 2 qualification. Light and sound is also divided into two level of qualification. Level 1 qualification. This is mainly used the most in the bidding process. Do enterprise service we are serious, handle the stage building qualification we are professional!


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