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    手機掃一掃 立刻聯系商家
    發布時間: 2023-07-11 11:14 更新時間: 2025-01-04 07:03

    ü 文物商店注冊要求和經營許可證辦理條件:

    ü 1. 經營文物購銷活動的公司需要有符合條件的“公司主體”和文物局審批下發的“文物經營許可證”方可依法開展經營文物購銷活動。

    ü 2. 有5名以上取得中級以上文物博物館技術職務的專職人員的資格學歷、職稱證明且有退休證明。

    ü 3. 有200萬的實繳、注冊資金不得低于200萬,并且實繳出具驗資報告。

    ü 4. 有可配合核查的實際辦公場所、且地址具有保護文物和消防的設備、安防監控設施(城市的標準各不相同,它取決于我們文物經營許可證能否辦成的關鍵);。

    Registration requirements for cultural relics stores and registration requirements for business license: 1. Companies engaged in cultural relics purchase and sale activities shall have the qualified "company subject" and the "Cultural Relics Operation License" approved and issued by the Cultural Heritage Bureau to carry out the purchase and sale activities of cultural relics according to law. 2. More than 5 full-time personnel who have obtained intermediate professional and technical positions in cultural relics museums have academic qualifications, professional title certificate and retirement certificate. 3. The paid-up and registered capital of 2 million yuan shall not be less than 2 million yuan, and the paid-in capital verification report shall be issued. 4. Has the actual office space that can be verified, and the address has the protection of cultural relics and fire protection equipment, security monitoring facilities (the standards of the city are different, it depends on the key of our cultural relics operation license can be completed);.


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