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    發布時間: 2023-07-11 11:15 更新時間: 2025-01-04 07:03

    ü 注冊文物商店應當具備的條件

    ü 1、需要注冊資金200萬以上,并實繳出具驗資報告單

    ü 2、注冊地址和實際地址需要一致,后期有人員核查(辦理文物商店必須要有實際的地址)

    ü 3、需要準備必要的設備設施,例如: 電腦、 3個以上攝像頭、 展示柜 、滅火器等辦公設備

    ü 4、有5名以上取得中級以上文物博物專家技術職務人員、

    ü 5、需要有法律、行政法規規定的其他條件。

    The conditions that a registered cultural relics store shall meet 1, the registered capital of more than 2 million, and the capital verification report 2, the registered address and the actual address should be consistent, later there are personnel to check (the cultural relics store must have the actual address) 3. Need to prepare necessary equipment and facilities, such as computers, more than 3 cameras, display cabinets, fire extinguishers and other office equipment 4. There are more than 5 intermediate and above-level cultural relics and natural history experts 5. Other conditions stipulated by laws and administrative regulations are required.


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