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    發布時間: 2023-07-11 11:16 更新時間: 2025-01-04 07:03

    ü 注冊文物商店具體辦理流程有以下幾點

    ü 1、先核名,想一個可用的公司名字;

    ü 2、核名通過后,開始做工商注冊營業執照;

    ü 3、營業執下來后,工商注冊部分就完成了,公司主體就成功設立完了。

    ü 4、由于文物銷售屬于后置申請,所以拿到營業執照后,我們即可開始“文物經營許可證”的申辦。

    ü 5、準備所需人員,人員條件證明材料,場地所需設備,經營場所證明材料,驗資報告等;。

    ü 6、“文物經營許可證”申請材料準備齊全后,也就說明我們已經滿足了基礎的申辦條件,我們即可開始進行“文物經營許可證”的申請辦理。

    ü 7、文物商店經營資質的審批是非常嚴格的,需要層層過審,滿足審核條件的公司才能成功取得“文物經營許可證”設立文物商店,不滿足條件的則無法通過文物商店審批,也就不能設立文物商店開展文物購銷活動。

    ü 文物商店辦理也是有一定難度的,不是隨便可以辦理的,有限制條件,當然如果我們能夠滿足條件的話辦理手續還是比較簡單的我們只需要先到工商局注冊執照,然后再去文物局辦理文物商店批復,后等著文物商店批復下來就可以了。

    The specific processing process of the registered cultural relics store has the following points 1, first nuclear name, think of a available company name; 2. After passing the name of the core, start to do the industrial and commercial registration business license; 3. After the business operation comes down, the industrial and commercial registration part is completed, and the main body of the company will be successfully established. 4. Since the sale of cultural relics belongs to the post-application, so after getting the business license, we can start the application for the "cultural relics business license". 5. Prepare the required personnel, personnel conditions certification materials, equipment required by the site, business site certification materials, capital verification report, etc.; 6. After the application materials for the "Cultural Relics Operation License" are ready, it means that we have met the basic application conditions, and we can start to apply for the "Cultural Relics Operation License". 7. The examination and approval of the operation qualification of cultural relics stores is very strict, which needs to be examined in layers, and meet the audit conditions can successfully obtain the "cultural relics business license" to set up cultural relics stores, do not meet the conditions can not pass the approval of cultural relics stores, also can not set up cultural relics stores to carry out cultural relics purchase and sale activities. Cultural relics store is also a certain difficulty, not literally can deal with, restrictions, of course, if we can meet the conditions of formalities is relatively simple we only need to the industrial and commercial bureau registration license, and then go to administration for cultural relics store approval, finally waiting for cultural relics store approval down.


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