ü 文物商店經營資質的審批是非常嚴格的,需要層層過審,滿足審核條件的公司才能成功取得“文物經營許可證”設立文物商店,不滿足條件的則無法通過文物商店審批,也就不能設立文物商店開展文物購銷活動。
ü 近兩年北京文物商店市場逐漸放開民辦文物商店,辦理量一直不斷地再增加辦理文物商店是有一定的難度的 ,不是想辦就能辦有很多限制條件,如果材料準備的足夠充分齊全,那相對來說就比較簡單了整個流程需要時間在1個月到2個月左右,具體要看當地的文物局審批熟練度。
The examination and approval of the operation qualification of cultural relics stores is very strict, which needs to be examined by layers. Only the companies that meet the examination conditions can successfully obtain the "cultural relics operation license" to set up cultural relics stores. Those that do not meet the conditions cannot pass the approval of cultural relics stores, and can not set up cultural relics stores to carry out cultural relics purchase and sale activities. Beijing cultural relics store market gradually open private store, quantity has been constantly increase to handle the cultural relics store is a certain difficulty, not want to do can do have a lot of restrictions, if the material preparation is complete enough, it is relatively simple the whole process need time in 1 month to 2 months, specific depends on the local administration of cultural heritage for examination and approval of proficiency.
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